
Last updated: 22 Oct 2024

Integrate with PageUp's Applications API to streamline your hiring workflow!


  1. Overview
  2. Requesting API Credentials
  3. Before you begin
  4. URL format


The Applications API allows you to manipulate job applications. It provides the following capabilities: Move an Application to a different status Set an Application's order of merit (rank) Set additional data (via 'flags') on an Application

Requesting API Credentials

For information on how to obtain API credentials and to start integrating with the API, please visit the Getting started page.

Before you begin

To begin using any of the APIs, there are a few things that you will need:

  1. Authentication credentials for the particular PageUp Customer/Client
  2. You will need a valid (oAuth) JWT token to authorize yourself to access the end points in this API section. When requesting the bearer token with the authentication service please ensure you include the appropriate scope in the authentication request. Multiple scopes may be requested by specifying them as space separated list. The available scopes for the endpoints in this page are:
  • Public.Application.Read
  • Public.Application.Write

See the implementation notes under each endpoint below to see which scope it's needed for each of the endpoint.


  • API's are secured using oAuth (client credentials grant flow)
  • Integrators must handle common errors and support surfacing of error messages back to the user when a request is not successful
  • Integrators must log all relevant errors and be able to provide a copy to PageUp to assist with troubleshooting when required
  • Client ID and Client secret will be different per environment (i.e. UAT and LIVE)
  • The oAuth token has an expiry period of 300 seconds.


  • Integrators must have in place monitoring processes to alert on failed requests, updates, retries or any other mechanisms.

URL format

Root url:
  environment = specify 'api' for production or 'apiuat' for development or testing
  dataCentreId = the data centre to connect to (e.g. dc2)
  tenantId = the organisation's tenant Id (normally a 3-digit number. e.g. 218)
Region dataCentreId
AUS dc2
UK / EMEA dc3
US dc4
SEA dc5

Please contact PageUp representative to find out the data centre and organisation's tenant Id if not known.

Example - connect to the 218 production environment on dc2

Example - connect to the 218 development or testing environment on dc2